"IMPA Engineering" Ltd.
Mira 61, Ufa
Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
Phone: +7 (347) 275 12 12
Phone/Fax: +7 (347) 240 10 33
Email: info@impa-ufa.ru
WWW: http://www.impa-ufa.ru


Social responsibility

Social responsibility for IMPA Engineering Ltd is an essential component of development of successful and stable business. Company’s social responsibility is built upon forming of favorable conditions of work and life for company’s workers. The company creates workplaces, ensure competitive salary, social guaranties.

IMPA Engineering Ltd realizes that company’s long-term success is only possible in conditions of social stability. Therefore, the company aims not only at providing company’s workers with deserving status but at assisting in social and economical development of company’s region of presence.

Charity and sponsorship realize by means of financing and organizational support of projects and actions.

Company’s valuables in extents of social responsibility

Staff  is a company’s main property. Therefore, we are interested in continual improvement and development of the staff and intellectual capital.

Respect to any person, respect to opinions of other people, tolerance to any differences between people, open and well-wishing discussion of problems, cooperation on solution of business tasks.

Care of company’s veterans, care of people who created and increased company’s property, sharing of experience and tutorship.

Professionalism, deep knowledge of one’s profession, responsible and conscientious attitude to professional duties, fulfillment of tasks in time, improvement of professional skills.

Continuous development and learning, continuous progress, making of conditions for development of talents and abilities of company’s workers, support of students and post-graduates of Ufa State Oil Technological University.

Cooperation, open interaction with company’s owners, partnerships and state authorities, teamwork in that each worker is responsible for results.

Efficiency, achieving of a maximum result at optimal use of human and finance resources.

Innovation, development and introduction of modern technologies, search for the most effective solutions.

Scientific approach, deep analysis of administrative, technological and industrial tasks on the base of modern knowledge and experience.

The Board developed a schedule of socially significant actions in 2007

Support and development of children’s non-profit sport,

Aid in restoration of spiritual, historical and cultural legacy

were accepted as main directions of sponsorship and charity.

The need in support of these directions is determined by care of adolescents and wish for preserving and increasing spiritual property of Bashkortostan.

Charity projects

We are providing support to children’s sport club at Salavat city.

We are providing charity help in restoration of  a church at Bolsheust'ikinskoye village of Mechetlinsk region of Bashkortostan.

We are taking part in a program of cure and rehabilitation of drug addicts that is being implemented by Ufa eparchy.

Храм Во Имя Трех Святителей, с. Большеустикинское, Мечетлинский район РБ.